Why Do Personal-Injury Defendants Sometimes Settle

Written by
Abraham Jaros
Updated on Monday, Oct 16, 2023

If you were injured in an accident that occurred because of someone else's reckless or negligent behavior, there are typically two ways to pursue compensation from the at-fault party: You can file a civil lawsuit in order to collect damages and accept a settlement or go to trial.

Though a civil trial and verdict may ultimately result in more money for the plaintiff, the majority of personal-injury cases typically settle well before going to trial.

If you sustained injuries in an accident that was not your fault and have to pay costly medical bills or miss work as a result, we may be able to help. Jaroslawicz & Jaros PLLC has handled personal-injury claims since 1980, and we have recovered more than $2 billion in damages for clients in that time. Call us today at 212.227.2780 to speak to a personal-injury attorney in New York City,

Why will defendants sometimes settle a personal injury case:

  • The defendant can control the risk and avoid the costs of a trial. If it is evident that the defendant is responsible for the accident, then the defendant may be wary of going to a trial in front of a sympathetic jury. By offering a reasonable settlement the defendant averts the risk of a large verdict and also avoids the costs of a trial.
  • The defendant can keep the case out of the public eye. If the defendant is a large corporation that sells goods or services, it's worth depends on how consumers view it. A trial may result in bad press, and many defendants settle quietly in an attempt to keep the media at bay.
  • A settlement will guarantee the plaintiff at least some compensation. Even with damning evidence, there is no way to be certain how a trial and jury verdict will end. When it comes to a settlement, though, the plaintiff will receive at least some compensation for his or her injuries. Even though it might seem like settling provides defendants with most of the benefits, settling is often better than going to trial for all parties involved. In studies,surprisingly, most plaintiffs who passed up settlement offers and proceeded to go to trial actually ended up getting less money than they would have if they had taken the original offer.

If you are unsure if you should settle your case, an experienced New York personal-injury lawyer may be able to help. At Jaroslawicz & Jaros, we have been defending the rights of injured individuals for more than 40 years. We provide all of our clients with the personal attention and care that their case deserves, and you can be sure we will work with you directly rather than pass your case off to a paralegal.

Get the advice and guidance you and your family need

You do not have to go through this alone.

At Jaroslawicz & Jaros, we have over 40 years of experience helping accident victims in New York recover compensation. The clients we represent benefit from the personal attention of our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys.

We Have Recovered Over $2 Billion for Our Clients.

The attorneys at Jaroslawicz & Jaros have obtained verdicts and settlements of over $1 Million for hundreds of our individual clients. Since all New York personal injury law firms generally charge the same legal fee why not hire an experienced law firm with a proven track record?

When you retain the New York City accident lawyers at Jaroslawicz & Jaros, you will always work directly with your lawyer, and not with a paralegal or secretary. We will always be available to you! Our hundreds of positive client reviews and testimonials speak for themselves.

Experience and a track record of results

Contact the attorneys at Jaroslawicz & Jaros for a free legal consultation regarding your rights and your legal options. If we agree to handle your case, we will work on a contingency fee basis so that you don’t have to worry about any upfront costs.

Contact us today for a free consultation

Picture of Abraham Jaros

You can reach partner Abraham Jaros directly, either call his cell 917-842-9544, or email him at ajaros@lawjaros.com. Or call Jaroslawicz & Jaros at 212 227 2780 in New York, or toll free 800-269-2780, or submit an online questionnaire.